America Divided: Are Riots a Product of White Rage?

America Divided: Are Riots a Product of White Rage?

By Meraki

2020 has been an exasperated year, socially another year like 2020 would be detrimental to the world. All the riots and disproportion footage in the media cause a worldly perception. Any intellectual know perception is critical and is precious as a diamond.

The latest violence in protests and civil strife is not a result of black rage, but “white rage” for black empowerment.

White rage is an astonishingly well-timed and urgent call to challenge the legacy of structural racism bestowed by white antagonism and resentment and to demonstrate its ongoing menace to American democracy’s pledge.

The book, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, by Carol Anderson, records white Americans’ centuries-long endeavors from rage to disrupt African Americans. The book connects the theme of white rebellion from anti-emancipation revolutions through post-restoration racial terror and the enactment of Black Codes, legal efforts by Southern administrators to prevent African Americans from escaping repression during the Great Migration.

There are many patterns of advancement, followed by some form of brutality, recounts of numerous instances of achievements by African Americans have repealed.


 The first time in history, in 2008, the black voter turnout rate approximately rivaled that of whites. Two million more African Americans and Hispanics, respectively, and 600,000 more Asians. A response state after state began demanding voters to have records such as bank records, utility bills, and W-2 forms, which many Black Americans and other economically underprivileged inhabitants are less likely to acquire. In 2013 the Supreme Court declared 5 to 4 to subdue a component of the Voting Rights Act. As a result, 22 states have passed voter-restriction statutes.


Black unemployment had declined during the ’60s and ’70s, sealing the racial gap, black enrollment in HBCUs had doubled between 1970 and 1978. Noticing the growth, Reagan erased those improvements through substantial cuts in federal programs and jobs. Unemployment climbed to 15.5 percent, the highest since the Great Depression — and black youth employment decrease by 45.7 percent— a reduction of $3.805 billion.


When drugs such as cocaine, hallucinogen, and marijuana were declining, Reagan’s National Security Council and CIA “constructed and facilitated” a drug crisis and were complicit in submerging African American communities with crack. The government administration shielded Colombian drug traffickers by enthusiastically allowing cocaine imports to the United States to rise steeply to 50% within three years.

In 1982, the CIA received approval from the Department of Justice to remain silent about assets engaged in the manufacturing, shipping, or transaction of narcotics.

Regan targeted the users, not the traffickers, and Congress legislating mandatory sentencing for first-time offenders.

The Black Wallstreet

Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1921. A mass wave of racial violence and satanism destroys an affluent African American community. The community was a threat to white supremacy of American capitalism.

On May 31, the Tulsa Tribune recounted that an African American man, Dick Rowland, allegedly endeavored to rape a Caucasian woman, Sarah Page. Whites in the neighborhood declined to wait for an investigation, triggering two days of unprecedented racial violence. Three hundred people died, 800 were injured, and thirty-five city blocks went up in flames. Defense and the rescue of white female righteousness was the articulated motivation for communal racial violence.

White rage is a result of Black success; we must face our country, learn, take responsibility, and act. Some citizens are people that continue that rusty demonic way of thinking, while others see harm and wrongdoing being place on other individuals in a free country. If America is “Home of the free,” it requires to embody the message.

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