Rain, Rain, Go Away! Rain Boots for Men.

Rain, Rain, Go Away! Rain Boots for Men.

Changing seasons warrants wardrobe options. Pollen blankets EVERYTHING. The warmth of summer slowly pokes its head out of the clouds one day and hides the next. The days become a little longer and night gets a little warmer. And like clockwork, one of my most dreaded parts of spring arrives…the rain. Living in most major cities, being in the rain is inevitable. There is nothing worse, as a man than walking through the rain, dirt, and grime of the city, in your favorite pair of leather double monk strap shoes. Trust me, I’ve ruined a pair (or four) during my stay in Brooklyn. As always, I don’t complain, I want a solution. Well…put on a pair of galoshes. Let’s call them rain boots, galoshes sounds really corny.

While rain boots formerly had a stigma of being more suited for kids and women, the more stylish and sensible man began to explore the grounds of what I like to call “The Shoe Saver”. Designers have given men everything from stylish to simple to a classic boot. All of which can be worn with any outfit. I mean, it’s raining, the boots are made for functionality, not style (yeah right…everything functional is about style). That said, grab your bag (preferably one from the page before this one), put your shoes in it, (along with some workout clothes to hit the gym right after work) and throw on a pair of these super stylish rain boots. Nothing will be better than being a big kid and stomping in puddles all over the city.


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